Fortunately, we had bought most of our supplies early in preparation for Gustov, but we got low on a few things (mainly milk and just our everyday supplies) and so Hot Rod stopped off to get those items on his way home from work around noon today.
Earlier(around 9:30 AM), he ran out with his boss looking for a window a/c unit to go with their generator to keep at least one room cool in their house should they lose electricity. (Hey, Bill, if we lose electricity, we're comin' over!!) The sights he described in the stores did not surprise me. Full parking lots, empty shelves, lines that stretched from the front of the store to the back...
So, I decided to join in on the fun. Crazy, right? I HAD to get the kids out of the house before we were stuck at home. If you've never had cabin fever, you don't want it, trust me! Anyway, I loaded up the kids, held my breath, and headed over to Chick-fil-A. (Yes, I am THAT crazy!)
And you know what we found? A line at the drive though that I always dread waiting in. Still holding my breath, I pull into a front row parking spot (odd) unload the children and go inside to find...
A Ghost town! I am not kidding. There were about 5 other families. This was noon straight up folks! I can only guess they were out doing some last minute shopping.
Uncle JMike and Aunt Laurie, Cousin Emma, and a Friend met us there for lunch. We played for hours. It...Was...Fabulous!!

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