So Wednesday, I joined in on my first class discussing the book by Lisa Welchel: Creative Correction. I really enjoyed myself probably for several different reasons:
1. It's a pretty good book so far.
2. I had great female adult interaction.
3. I have homework each day that will require me to get into the Bible more.
4. My girlfriends CRACK ME UP!
5. Lisa actually has some good ideas of ways to include verses from the Bible when disciplining my children. By using this technique, I hope that they will learn it's not Daddy and me alone, but the wisdom of GOD through HIS Word that guides them in how to live.
6. My friend Ms. TD is doing a great job leading us and keeping us chatterboxes girls focused on the topic.
7. I'm not the only one in the room who is still nursing and has to bring my son with me because his dinnertime falls in the middle of class.
8. I enjoy learning new things that help me be a better Mommy.
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