Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Oh Edouard, Silly Storm!

We weren't afraid of you. But we sure did enjoy the rain...

(Don't worry, there was no lightning)

Sorry, Little Buddy...maybe next year!


  1. Awww..rainy days are the best!

  2. I love the pictures! It looks like you guys had a nice rainy day.

  3. when i was a kid, one of my favorite things to do was go out and play in the rain. as we got older it would escalate from the backyard to all over the neighborhood... and it's rare to find those rainy days good for playing in with no lightning and thunder! It looks like your kids had an awesome time!

  4. Those are such cute bathing suits! I wish we lived in a place where it was warm when it rained- being outside like that is so much fun.

  5. Cute pics, looks like they had a blast!


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