Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Carter was sitting with me today and as he often likes to do, he grabbed my finger and shoved it in his mouth. He started chewing - what better teething toy is there? As I usually do, I started feeling around on his gums.


Our little man has cut his first tooth (bottom right front) This would explain the colic-like symptoms that he was exhibiting last week. (Okay, he was only crying - which has since subsided)

Oh, the flashbacks to child #1...evenings spent walking the floors - non-stop crying (sometimes all three of us!) from 6:30 PM to 10:30 PM every night.

He had me worried...he's supposed to be my easy baby!

I have been holding off on giving him anything other than what he gets from nursing. (Okay, so he gets the occasional TEX-MEX), but I don't think I can hold him off much longer. I wanted to wait until he was six months -- Mostly for selfish reasons -

1. the diapers: oh how nasty "real food" makes those diapers!
2. previous experience: I had to work so hard to nurse the girls since I was having to work and pump...
3. the added mess: bibs, extra clothes, dishes
4. Cost: price of nursing = $0, price of food = I can only imagine
5. I rather enjoy my special time with him! Nursing is something only I can do with Carter!

And so begins the dreaded growing up of my baby boy...

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, the first tooth! One down, several more to go!


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