My 100th Post
- I refuse to guarantee this will be interesting or enlightening.
- Three (so far) of the best kids a mom could ever ask for live with me. And they are all mine. (and Hot Rod's)
- My hubby is my best friend.
- The hubs is the absolute perfect man for me. He actually LIKES to go shopping.
- Hot Rod and I were friends in junior high school. I never thought of him romantically until after college.
- I think I was born in the exact town I was meant to stay in my entire life. It's hot, humid and I love it!
- I get cold really easily. REALLY EASILY!
- I love the month of September. The weather is usually perfect. Oh, and I was born in Sept, too.
- I love my backyard. We've spent a lot of time/money to make it what it is.
- My favorite number is 10.
- I'm very excited about baby #4 - not anymore than the other 3, but excited still.
- Oh the strange looks and odd things that people will say when I am out with 4 children by myself. Not looking forward to that.
- I grew up with 3 sisters. Hmmmm.....(like mother, like daughter?)
I think I KNOW I will always miss my Mom.
- I also miss my dog. He died about a year ago. He had been with me for 11 years. He was a good and very loyal companion. He was a sweet little Yorkie and knew a ton of tricks!
- We'll be celebrating 10 years of marriage in August!
- We were going to take a trip in Oct. The same week as my due date. I don't think that's going to happen...
- I love my Saturn Vue. I can't fit 4 kids in the back seat. I'm kind of bummed about that.
- I love to shop.
- I love shoes.
- I don't love to shop for shoes.
- I have very few pairs of shoes. It's hard to find cute ones that are also comfortable.
- Rarely do I notice what people are wearing - including their shoes. Unless it's really, really cute or really, really weird. And, I'll never remember it later.
- I remember strange things and forget simple things.
- People have a hard time believing that I was a shy child. I was. Really.
- But, I did make friends easily. Everywhere we went I would make a friend.
- My family went camping when I was young. Every year. That has to be some of my favorite memories.
- Mom worked so hard all the time (at home) and it was nice to see her settle in a lawn chair with a good novel and just read.
- All my life I have preferred to hang out with guys over girls. Girls were always so competitive.
- I love the girl friends I have made at church. Would not trade them for all the guys in the world. (even Matthew McConaughey - LOL!)
- Matthew M has the best accent. He IS from Texas after all!
- Before I had children, my favorite food was Italian. Now, I don't have a favorite. Strange!
- If a single tiny raw onion gets mixed into my food, it makes me gag.
- I love grilled onions on my fajitas.
- If a main course or side dish recipe calls for onions, I do everything I can to avoid using them.
- If a dessert recipe calls for nuts, I leave them out.
- I like nuts and I like raisins, but NEVER inside of anything!
- Except peanut M&Ms, oh and snickers and I'm sure there are a few more I'm forgetting - okay never say never right?
- Growing up we lived on property and I always wished I lived in a neighborhood where I could take off on my bicycle and ride for hours.
- Now, I live in a neighborhood and wish I had more room.
- When I grow up (yeeeeeah!) Okay, maybe my dream is to own a few acres in a nice community - kind of like getting the best of both worlds.
- I started getting gray hair when I was sixteen. SIXTEEN!! Not a very awesome sweet sixteen gift! I think it makes me look older than I am.
- Playing outdoors with my kids is one of my favorite things to do.
- The laughter of a baby (especially my little man) is one of life's greatest joys.
- I love surprises. No kidding! The Hubs used to try to tell me things (he's bad at keeping secrets that he's excited about) and I would NOT let him. It's so much fun to be surprised!
- Our other Yorkie will be nine this year. We bought him for the Hubs. He follows me wherever I go. Guess that makes him mine!
- There are no less than 15 dolls in my house. And that's just the baby dolls.
- My girls enjoy cheering at sports games. Go 'Stros!
- When I was younger, I was an Astros' buddy. Those were some great memories. I remember always having maple nut goodies at the games. They don't really taste all that great. (see, I remember odd things!)
- My childhood was fantastic! We weren't rich and we weren't poor, but it never really mattered.
- My Mom always made sure to have soft drinks and chips in the house - conveniently on Friday and Saturday nights so I would bring my friends to the house to hang out. She'd go off into the kitchen, bake brownies and then go to bed. (See why I miss her?)
- There are orange lilies in my flower bed - some of my favorite flowers.
- I also like roses - of any color.
- And Hibiscus - orange of course.
- Lime green is my favorite color.
- Gardenia is my favorite fragrance - I have several gardenia bushes in my yard as well. (Oh, I love the lemon scent when I'm cleaning!)
- I love the beach, but I'm not crazy about the ocean. (Sharks, jellyfish...etc.)
- Disney World really is magical. When we planned to go in 2007, I got pregnant with Carter. When we planned to go in 2009, know the drill.
- We lovingly refer to our baby as "Walt"
- Don't worry, we won't be naming him that especially if he is a she!!
- I love being pregnant. I think it's because it's the one time that you can be fat and people actually think it's cute.
- I just used it's three times in one sentence.
- I am a grammar nut! The thing that bothers me the most is when people use "I" in place of "me"
- I don't profess to be perfect at grammar, but some errors just glare at me.
- It's been almost a year and I don't miss my "job."
- Our only debt is our house and one of the cars. From my guestimation, we are not upside down on either one.
- I am fully aware that guestimation is not a word.
- "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" is my favorite movie. I still laugh every time I see it.
- I'd love to have a maid, but the thought of a stranger cleaning my house creeps me out.
- The yard guy once tried to argue with me over what I owed him...until he got my next payment with an Excel spreadsheet.
- He doesn't work for us anymore...only because we do it ourselves now to save money.
- By "ourselves" I mostly mean Hot Rod.
- The Hubs cleans the bathrooms more than I do.
- Yes, I am one lucky gal.
- I watch a lot of decorating shows. Gives me ideas I'll never have the time, energy or money to do to my own home.
- I also watch the Food Network.
- I have a love/hate relationship with cooking. I love to do it, but I hate the thought of it.
- I love Google. I "google" everything. I get all kinds of e-mails telling me some crazy stuff, so before I pass any along, I plug the subject into my Google toolbar and search away.
- One thing that irritates me is when people forward e-mails that tell me at the bottom that I should forward to my friends. (Seriously!!! I know I can forward it - IF I WANT TO!!! You don't need to tell me that!) And I will remove those lines - EVERY TIME I forward an e-mail.
- Discussing politics drives me crazy. Often, I don't agree with what is going on with our government, so I avoid it. Yes, I read about it and I get mad, but if I discuss it, I just get I avoid it!
- I think it's unfair to FORCE me to give up money I earned (or my hubby earned - LOL!) for people who refuse to earn their own. Don't get me wrong, I donate plenty at church and I love helping people out, but I don't want it to be taken from me.
- I'm addicted to Coca-cola. I love me the "Real Thing!" I like having at least one of them a day.
- Sonic has the best ice!
- I always thought I'd have boys.
- I wouldn't trade my girls for anything. I love all the bows and pink.
- I never liked pink until I had girls. Now, I'm drawn to it!
- Shopping for clothes is one of my favorite things to do. And I like it best shopping with Hot Rod.
- Being a Stay at home Mom is the hardest job I've ever had.
- It's also my absolute favorite job ever!!
- I actually enjoy coloring.
- I also like Play-doh.
- It's possible I am one of the few people that as a child ate vegetables and didn't complain about it. They're good!
- Without my computer, I'd feel lost.
- The sun makes me sneeze.
- I am a night owl and HATE getting up early.
- Singing is one of my favorite things. I always sing in the car...and at home...and...
- I'm allergic to my dog, but I love, he stays!
- I seriously doubt anyone is still reading this.
- When I'm relaxing at home, I'm almost always cuddled under a quilt. (I told you I was cold natured!)
- If you read all the way through - you know more about me than you ever wished for...oh, and thanks for humoring me!
My goodness! I can't believe you actually listed 100 things...I refused to do that for my 100th! I am so blessed to be your friend and I am surprised that most of these things I already knew! I never realized that we were able to talk that much with all the kids screaming, I mean playing in the background! I love ya girl and look forward to our next outing with the kids!
ReplyDeleteI can not believe you came up with 100 things! All very interesting. I love reading your blog and keeping up with you guys. I hope we can hang out and let our girls play soon.
ReplyDeleteWOW!!! 100!!! I too was shy growing up and no one believes me! I always had more guy friends around as well. I agree with you on the housekeeper. I had the exact same thought just the other day. I actually hired one to come in around Christmas time a few years ago and I drove her nuts. It was creepy seeing someone doing my job. My friend said it was pointless since I went behind her back cleaning up what she had just finished. I waited until she was out of sight but still it was strange. Maybe now with a baby I wouldn't be so picky!
ReplyDeleteOh, I did read everyone single one!! love ya and congrats...
1.One of your dog's famous tricks was the time it peed on me....I think he was marking his territory. lol
ReplyDelete2.Now all I can think of is WAAAAALLLLLLLLLLT! Like on Lost.
3.Having enjoyed waaaay too many of your mom's brownies, I love and miss her too.
4.James also avoids onions as if his life depended on it. I am ok as long as they are cooked.
5. I was also an Astros buddy. Oh, to be young again. =)
Good job with the 100. Impressive!