This past Easter was Carter's first Easter. It's odd because we celebrated his one-year birthday two weeks prior.
I remember last year thinking he might be born on Easter. I was really hoping that wouldn't happen because I really wanted to celebrate the day with my girls. I bought them pretty dresses and special matching hair bows that I searched high and low for -- I couldn't wait for Sunday so I could "doll them all up." (Shoot -- That's something I look forward to every Sunday!)
Hot Rod didn't actually believe me at first. It wasn't until I "Googled" the date of last year's Easter that he was convinced. (It just doesn't seem right, but since the date of Easter moves around so much, I guess it happens from time to time.) I saw a picture from Easter last year of a cousin's little girl. There I was in the background - belly big as a blimp!
We had a nice day, despite all the rain.
After church services, we headed to the classroom hallways to hunt eggs.

(Little man just wanted the stuff in the eggs!! - Smart kid...)We filled our baskets and hunted down the Easter bunny for pictures.
(Just look at Carter eyeing the Easter Bunny's candy basket!)
We had a fabulous devotional and activity to complete with our family provided by SonKids.
Once we got home, we did a quick last minute touch up of the house and then I started cooking my Cherry Surprise - Yum!! Not long after Hot Rod's family started to arrive. We had a great feast and a nice time visiting with family.
And it wasn't too bad being cooped up in the house all afternoon!