Friday, June 19, 2009

The Princess Bride

Let me start by apologizing for the quality of the photos. These were taken with my camera, in crummy church lighting by me, not a professional photographer on a sprained foot. (oops, I didn't tell you that story either - what happened to the month of May???) Well, let the photopost begin... (photopost, I like that word)

Here she is, my baby sister.

Isn't she beautiful?

And my baby girls.

Aren't they adorable?

And let's not forget my little prince.

A most handsome little man.

My Daddy, another handsome guy.

Poppy and Nana

One of my precious neices and a nephew who insist on growing up too fast.

The first dance:

The bride's dance with the younger neices and nephew

The wedding party (the most handsome "Hot Rod" is the one on the far right)

And finally, the happy couple

And so begins the first day of "Happily Ever After..."

Love you, Sis! You really made a beautiful bride.


  1. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that Carter looks SOOOO much like your Daddy. Do the girls look a lot like your Mom? The wedding looked beautiful. I'm sure you all had a great time!

  2. Wow, really beautiful wedding. Your sister looks lovely.


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