1. Staying home with my children is so much more rewarding than working. I worried how I might feel leaving work to stay home, but I am glad I did.
2. I do wish there was a way I could contribute monitarily to our family, but I know that I am contibuting in other areas. (And right now, I have no desire to jump into one of these "Really, it's not a pyramid" and "You can't beat working from your home and making your own hours," and then, "Trust me, you don't have to be a salesperson" only to learn that you have to beg your friends to host parties in their homes so that you can sell things to people and convince them to sign up to "not sell anything" as well. The next thing you know, people are avoiding you because they think you are going to hit them up to buy something or host a party in their home. Not that there's anything wrong with that...it's just not for me.)
3. Sometimes, I feel like I am working harder now than I ever did at any "paying" outside of the home job.
4. The 4 people I am working for can be quite demanding at times. Not so much the boys as the girls. I wonder what that means?
5. Often, I feel like I am lazy. I'm not really sure why...Must just be part of getting used to my "new" situation. Or it could be that I'm busy
blog-hopping playing computer games watching TV holding the baby too much. (that's a whole 'nother post for a whole 'nother day!)
6. I love to watch Maddie learn. She's starting to read and she loves sounding out the words. She's learned that Daddy will pay her for words that she is able to read to him. I am so glad to not be missing out on these accomplishments.
7. I must admit, I was (and still am) a little nervous about Maddie's learning being all on my shoulders...but on the other hand, it is fun.
8. The girls are a lot like me - they enjoy "craft time" Anything involving paint, glue, scissors, etc...is more fun than watching TV, and almost as much fun as playing outside.
9. We don't have all of the beautiful fall colors here, but the weather has been fabulous outside lately. Now if we can just kick those pesky mosquitos. (Why must EVERYthing in Texas be bigger?)
10. I'm so looking forward to Halloween...I love when my kids get to dress up as someone/something else for a day. They're always so cute. I also enjoy seeing my friends' kids. It's fun that for just one day kids all across the country get to be whatever they want -- even if it is just make believe!